Think Different, Do Different

Creative all by HANDS

HANDS is faithful to the basics, thinks differently, and do differently.
All HANDS members enjoy working for customer satisfaction and feel
pride and happiness in what we do.

HANDS Corporation

Latest Products

The world best wheel is
reserched and developed by
HANDS technology

Outstanding development engineers and high technology and Know-How regarding wheel
though sustaining investment. in the circumstances of competitiveness for wheel market,
we focus on advanced and specific technology for leading the market in the world.
New casting technology, various materials development for wheels and creative design are
our continuous efforts as well as cooperation with domestic and overseas Research Centers.
High Technology Standard in the world for wheel is our actual pride!

HANDS Product


Aluminum Wheel

Aluminum wheels are attractive due to their appearance, color, and because of their light weight, which directly affects of fuel efficiency.

discover more

CEO Greeting

Since the establishment of HANDS CORPORATION. LTD.
under the name of DONGHWA And Co., Ltd. in 1972.
HANDS has been leading the global wheel manufacturing industry. Despite immense changes in HANDS history for last four decades, HANDS was the most credible company for customers by granting top priority to customer's promise. Through constant innovation, HANDS is always seeking for new technology with our devoted dedication and efforts to satisfy our customers.